Side project
The Side Show / 2021 / Bronze
The Drum / Chip Shop Awards / 2021 / Highly Commended
The Drum / Chip Shop Awards / 2021 / Highly Commended
Play with Trump like he plays with politics!
Trump’s most iconic tweets now in playing card form. Gather round the cofveve table to reflect on his turbulent Twitter career and play his tweets on Retweets, Replies, Likes, Accuracy, Arrogance and Professionalism.
Trump’s most iconic tweets now in playing card form. Gather round the cofveve table to reflect on his turbulent Twitter career and play his tweets on Retweets, Replies, Likes, Accuracy, Arrogance and Professionalism.

To promote the launch of the cards, the card game launched with an Instagram account. Different social posts were shared centred around relevant political issues Trump was tweeting about. Cards were designed for posts about the COVID-19 pandemic and the election, capturing his latest comments in the trump card format. With his Twitter now deleted, the cards serve as a physical relic of his most discussed and polarised tweets.

The project was Highly Commended in The Drum Chip Shop Awards 2021 in the Best Political category and awarded Bronze in the Side Show 2021.